Opening Times
Welcome to Glen Mor Surgery
We are a 4 partner training group practice in the West Highland town of Fort William and we have a list of over 5,500 patients who are largely concentrated in the communities of Fort William, Caol and Corpach. We are situated in west end of the Great Glen, close to Ben Nevis and 3 miles from the Aonach Mor Ski Centre.
Our purpose built premises, the Fort William Health Centre which is near the Lochaber High School is shared by all the three town practices as well as District Nurses, Dietitians, Chiropody, Community Dentist, Child Health, Physiotherapy, Community Mental Health Team, Learning Disability, etc.
Consultations by trainees/students may be recorded with your consent.

Physiotherapy / Muscle and joint problems
Most muscle and joint problems get better themselves. For advice and self management click here.
If you feel you need to see a physiotherapist we now have appointments in the Surgery.
Our physiotherapist can be booked directly through the Practice appointments system. She will assess patients without the need for you to see a Doctor first.
The Physiotherapist can assess, diagnose and treat patients with musculoskeletal conditions. The Physiotherapist can refer you for further investigations such as blood tests, x-ray, MRI or ultrasound scans if required.

Click here for information
Pharmacies can provide information on many conditions and can provide treatment for uncomplicated urinary tract infections and impetigo without prescription.
You can also access emergency contraception, treatment for thrush and minor ailments for children.
Registering for minor ailments at your local pharmacy allows free access to some medication for children.
Community Link Worker
What are Community Link Workers?
Community Link Workers are practitioners who work within GP practices providing non-medical support with personal, social, emotional and financial issues. These include low mood, anxiety and stress, social isolation, money and poverty issues, and bereavement.
Community Link Workers are now one of the core services available through GP practices in Scotland. They help reduce demand on primary care and divert people to the right sources of support within the community. They also work to address health inequalities created by deprivation, protected characteristics, geography and demographics.
If you would like an appointment with our Community Link Worker please ask the GP/Nurse to refer you.

Daylight (for anxiety) and Sleepio (for insomnia)
Daylight’s digital anxiety improvement programme can help you control feelings of worry and anxiety, using proven evidence-based techniques.
Daylight - www.trydaylight.com/nhs
Sleepio’s online sleep improvement programme can help you get to the root of stubborn sleep, using proven evidence-based techniques.
Sleepio – www.sleepio.com/nhs
We all need a little help sometimes. Maybe sleepless nights have you groggy, reaching for your third cup of coffee - or maybe your racing thoughts leave you stressed and struggling to focus. Mental wellbeing affects every aspect of our lives, from energy to appetite, and each person’s needs are unique. Whether it’s poor sleep or worry and anxiety that stand in your way, your journey to better mental wellbeing can start in just a couple of minutes.
Daylight and Sleepio are science-backed digital therapies, personalised to your needs - with no need for prescriptions or a doctor’s appointment. They were built by mental health experts using evidence-based techniques, in collaboration with leading designers such as Pixar - because we believe mental healthcare should not only be effective, but also positive and fun. Start with Sleepio’s two-minute quiz to learn your Sleep Score and how to improve it or use Daylight to discover your Anxiety Type and how to manage it.
Mind to Mind
If you’re feeling anxious, stressed, or low, or having problems sleeping or dealing with grief – find out how you can improve your mental wellbeing by hearing what others have found helpful.
Contact information
To contact us please phone 01397 703773 in the first instance. For appointments call from 8.30am.
Email, which is checked only once a day, is not suitable for clinical enquiries or prescription requests but can be used for administrative requests, feedback or general information requirements.
If you have been asked to send a photograph please make sure it is medium format, not high resolution or very large size (ideally no more than 0.5Mb) and include your name and date of birth and the name of the GP who requested it if known.
email: nhsh.gp55610-reception@nhs.scot
Please consider signing up for online services to book and manage appointments or request prescriptions. Do not use email for this please.