Lochaber Help
Lochaber Services and helpful websites
Lochaber COVID support - if you require assistance with shopping or medication deliveries telephone Voluntary Action Lochaber on: 01397 719514
Community Link Project
Mental Health Support
Counselling, depression / anxiety management - https://www.lochaberhope.org.uk/
Ewen's room, mental health support based in Acharacle/Strontian:- http://www.ewensroom.com/ Helpline 01967 750855
Mental Health community Support , Cothrom: - lochaber@supportinmindscotland.org.uk 07739 216457
Women's Aid, support, advice, counselling for women and families of domestic abuse / abusive relationships:- http://www.lochaberwomensaid.org/ 01397 70573
Cancer Support
Macmillan Cancer Support:- https://www.macmillan.org.uk 01397 709883
Highland Hospice, Inverness:- https://highlandhospice.org 01463 243132
Local Patient Support Groups
Chronic fatigue / ME - http://me-lochaber.org.uk/
Autism Support group:- https://www.facebook.com/LochaberAutismSupportGroup
Housing, legal, benefits etc
Lochaber Citizen's Advice Centre - CAB, advice on benefits, housing, legal matters:- https://www.lochabercab.org.uk/ 01397 705311
Highland Council:- https://www.highland.gov.uk/directory_record/765319/fort_william_service_point_and_registration_office 01397 706044
Hanover Housing, sheltered housing:- https://www.hanover.scot/
Lochaber Housing Association, affordable housing:- https://www.lochaberhousing.org.uk/ 01397 702530
Lochaber Care and Repair, maintenance and home repair for those over 65 or those living with a disability:- https://lcr.org.uk/ 01397 706444 / (Handyperson service 01397 706 333)
Community Support schemes
Community Car Scheme:- http://www.lochabertransport.org.uk/TransportinLochaber/CommunityTransport/CommunityCarScheme.aspx 01397 701222
Lochaber Action on Disability - Lunch club, Caol, other activities;- http://www.disabilityscot.org.uk/rec-detail/?rec=2270
Social interaction and community for men - https://menssheds.org.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/Fort-William-Mens-Shed-851242311563385/
Volunteer opportunities, Voluntary organisation support:- Voluntary Action Lochaber https://valochaber.org/volunteering/
Women's Aid, support, advice, counselling for women and families of domestic abuse / abusive relationships:- http://www.lochaberwomensaid.org/ 01397 705734
Alternative therapies
Lochaber Clinic - provides osteopathy, physiotherapy, private counsellening and alternaitve therapies:- https://lochaberclinic.co.uk/ 01397 702257