Prescribing Services available
You can order prescriptions online - to use this service you must register for online services by completing an application form and returning this to the practice. The practice will then issue you with the details required to set up an account. Please ask for a form at the reception desk, or fill in an application form from the menu on the right and email this along with a copy of your ID to
At present this service is not available for under 16's.
As above, we also work with local pharmacies to ensure for most patients we can send your prescription to your chosen pharmacy directly saving you having to come to the surgery.To get your prescription sent to your chosen pharmacy you will need to speak to the pharmacy when you hand in your prescription.
Once you have set up your account for online ordering use the link above or below to log in.
- online services registration form.doc
- OS Patient Services Userguide.docx
- GM Data Protection Online Services.docx
Repeat Prescriptions
Repeat prescription requests are not accepted by telephone to the surgery.
These are available for those on long-term treatment. A system for obtaining your next prescription has been designed to reduce the risk of error and to allow the surgery phone lines to be accessible for urgent calls.
Those on repeat prescriptions will have received their prescription together with a slip of paper attached which should be kept in a safe place.
This slip lists the drugs available "on repeat". Please tick against drugs required and send it to the surgery either by hand (a special collection box is beside reception) or by post.
If you use a particular chemist regularly they will be prepared to retain your slip on your behalf and you may then phone the chemist to arrange for your repeat prescription and they will forward the request to the Surgery. This service will always require at least 48 hours notice.
Repeat slips arriving direct at the surgery must be received at the very latest by 10am on the day before you wish to collect them.
We will then arrange for the prescription to be taken to your chosen chemist where you can collect the medicines after 48 hours.
Requesting medication not on repeat
These requests will take longer as they require authroisation by a GP. Please allow 72 hours before contacting the Practice for any update.
Alternatively you can register for Online Services to request any medication where you will recieve automatic updates on the progress of your request.

Medication Reviews
Patients on repeat prescriptions will be asked to visit the surgery for review after a certain period - 3 or 6 or 12 months depending on medication - and may be asked to make an appointment when the next prescription is due.