Surgery Appointments
The Surgery is open from 8am until 6pm Monday to Friday. For appointments call from 8.30am.
Surgeries run every day 9:30am -1pm and 2pm - 5:30pm
Appointments for a Nurse can be booked in advance.
Appointments to see a Doctor are now divided into three categories.
1. Routine, non-emergency - ie booked up to four weeks ahead. Please book in advance to see the Doctor of your choice.
2. Soon - generally bookable one week ahead - you may be given one of these appointments by the Doctors when you phone asking for an appointment the same day, if it is clinically appropriate.
3. Urgent - same day. Please phone in the morning, from 8.30am, if you feel you need to be seen on the day for an urgent clinical matter. The receptionists will ask you for details and the Doctors then make a decision on clinical grounds (triage) to see you on the day or on the next available appointment. Please provide as much information as you are able to the receptionsist to help you see the right person at the right time.
Appointments can be made at the Surgery in person, by telephone or on-line. Receptionists will ask the purpose of your appointment. Please do not be offended by this. It enables you to be seen by a doctor or nurse as appropriate within a clinically safe timescale - and for us to use our resources to serve all patients well. All receptionsists are trained in "sign-posting" - to point you to the right option for an appointment or they may advise it is appropriate for you to see a pharmacist. Receptionists are bound by the safe confidentiality code we all work by.
We have an evening surgery once a week. This is for patients who have difficulty getting time off work to attend the doctor or problems with childcare etc.
"Out of Hours" NHS24
From 6pm until 8am on weekdays and throughout weekends medical services are provided by a rota of agency doctors and local doctors.
Please dial 111 .
The telephone calls are triaged by the NHS24 team and appropriate advice or action is advised. Telephone advice, doctor appointments or home visits are available as deemed clinically appropriate.
After 6pm weekdays and from 8am to 10pm at weekends the "Out of Hours" centre in the Belford acts as a surgery. If your problem is something that you would normally see a GP for please use the GP Out Of Hours service when we are closed.
We would ask you to make every attempt to come to the OOH Centre whenever possible. Please do not go to A&E unless you have an accident or it is an emergency.
Telephone Enquires to the Surgery
There are two incoming telephone lines to the surgery which are often very busy early in the mornings. To minimise delay please try to phone at the following times:
8.30 - 10.00am for Appointments and Home Visits
12.30 - 2.00pm for Test Results if you are requested to phone.
Please do not use the telephone to request Repeat Prescriptions. Telephone the local pharmacy directly.
Home Visits
Please speak to the receptionist or Doctor if you feel a home visit is necessary. Please try to phone before 10am.
If you ask for a particular Doctor to visit you at home this may take longer if the Doctor is already committed to a surgery.
If you think your condition is an emergency please dial 999.
If you are not sure please call the surgery for advice, you may be advised to call 999.
For other URGENT CALLS at all times dial (01397) 703 773 - the usual practice number. The Duty Doctor will make every effort to attend urgent calls as soon as possible.
Video Calls
The practice offers video consultations to patients where this is clinically appropriate and helpful for the patient or doctor. If you are offered a video appointment you should be given a time to connect. Connect to the link below and follow the instructions. If you have not been connected within 20 minutes of your scheduled call please phone the surgery in case there is a technical problem. Please note this service is not "on demand" and must be pre-arranged with the GP. You will need a smartphone or other device with audio, microphone and video enabled.
Joining the Practice
Patients may register by post or by attending the Surgery when you should provide identification eg driving licence or passport.
We will be keen to offer you an Initial Health Check appointment when you register. You do not have to have this before seeing a Doctor or Nurse for care.
At an Initial Health Check we will ask you to fill in a brief questionnaire, we may do a few very simple tests and discuss with you which of our services are most appropriate to your needs.